
The Importance of Christian Values and Ethos

Christian values and ethos underpin everything we do at Holy Trinity. Our daily act of Christian worship is a precious time for children and adults to come together, spend time in reflection, thinking about our values, ourselves and our world.

There is no compulsion for any child to engage in prayer, nor do we try to persuade any child to any faith route. We provide opportunities for children to be quiet and reflective, to consider bigger issues and their own philosophy, to grow spiritually themselves, to grow in their relationships with others and our world and to think about the intangible, whatever their faith or non-faith position. We encourage tolerance of all beliefs and respect for all views.

Worship is led by the headteacher or teachers, by visiting clergy from the two benefices that our school serves as well as clergy from other denominations and by the children themselves.

We have a variety of forms of worship – meeting as a whole school or as a class, having active and interactive worship, or quiet, dark, candle-lit worship, outdoor worship or visiting the local churches. Children tell us that they value the quiet time and they are able to reflect on how they have been changed by worship themes in school. Many of them are more aware of our duty to care for those less fortunate than ourselves, they tell us that they appreciate our beautiful world more and work harder at relationships as a result of themes covered in worship sessions. We have changed some aspects of worship in line with the wishes of the children – so there is more meditative worship, more class worship and more outdoor worship in each term. We will also learn more songs, including lots of actions songs and those more suitable for use in formal situations.