Welcome back!
Welcome back everyone! It is wonderful to have the school filled once again with happy and excited children. A very warm welcome also to the new families who have joined us this academic year. We hope that you will quickly become part of our engaged and supportive school community.
Children are nurtured at our school with great care and given many opportunities to flourish, as they are central to all that we do. We want our children to remember their time with us for the richness of the experiences we provide and for the many personal achievements that are made possible. We are proud of our academic record but we are even more proud of our pupils’ personal development. The commitment, dedication and skill of our staff and the bright and lively learning environment that results from this are key to our pupils’ individual successes.
We have been reflecting on our values: joy, compassion, courage and aspiration - what they mean, what that looks like in practice and how we live these in our everyday lives. Special time in collective worship gives us time to reflect on who we are, how we can help others and our place in the world.
Please check in regularly to the school calendar Holy Trinity CE Primary Academy - Calendar (holy-trinity.co.uk) there is so much to look forward to!