Top 1% in the UK

Our School has come in the top 1% in the country (one of the top 300 out of over 20,000 primary schools) for the percentage of children achieving the expected standard in all of reading, writing and maths. The percentage of children achieving at the higher standard (greater depth) puts us in the top 8% of the country. KS1 children have also made exceptional progress in Phonics and Early Years Foundation Development Goals. We always emphasise that, whilst we are delighted with these great academic outcomes, we are just as proud of all other aspects of our children’s success. We are proud of how kind they are to each other, how sensitively they respond to those in need; we are proud of their outcomes in sport, art, design, music, philosophy, social skills and the humanities; and we are proud of their spiritual development. Our children are outstanding young people in all aspects of their development.

We are so proud of our children, staff and school community and what we have achieved together.