Our Diversity Project

This week we have been on an exciting, wonderful, colourful journey with our Chinese New Year celebrations. Through our creative curriculum children have grown their knowledge about China, experiencing a diverse range of workshops including dragon music and dance, creating their own yarn resist artwork, crafting paper lanterns and origami dragons or learning the art of calligraphy. Making Chinese fusion food gave children the opportunity to explore the influences of ingredients, foods, cooking equipment, tools and processes in our own lives. The sixth form students from Dauntsey’s School International Society joined us for the afternoon to share their heritage, teaching us some Mandarin, how to write our school values in Chinese and the story of the Great Zodiac Animal Race. The finale of our celebration was the amazing vibrant fan and dragon dance performances by each class to a very large audience of families, governors and friends. The Dragon Dance is one of the most anticipated events of the traditional Lunar New Year celebrations. It was wonderful to watch the children immerse themselves fully in every moment and enjoying each new learning experience.