A fabulous year!

In concluding this term and year we would all like to say a very large THANK YOU for all the support we have received with events throughout the year and all of the extra things that parents, carers, volunteers, clergy, Governors, peripatetic teachers, PFA and the wider school community have done to help make this such a fabulous year. This term has been filled with learning, growth and memorable moments - our wonderful children whose joy, courage, compassion and aspiration shine through with enthusiasm and effort. Our dedicated staff, whose commitment and expertise has made a tremendous difference. And to our supportive families & community friends; your encouragement and partnership are invaluable. 

May this holiday season bring you all joy, peace, and precious time with loved ones. We look forward to seeing you all in the New Year, refreshed and ready for new adventures.

Wishing you all a lovely Christmas and Happy New Year!