Earth Energy Foundation
This week Stonehenge and White Horse classes learnt about solar energy with a visit from Earth Energy Education. They run workshops in schools teaching the children about the importance of renewable energy as we look towards a greener future. The children learnt about climate change and investigated wind up batteries, solar powered batteries and toys. We had fun using lux meters to measure and compare how much solar energy we could collect from different areas in the school. The workshops were then followed up with a visit to a very muddy Lower End Solar Farm in Marston, where we had a tour of the site and learnt about the process of harvesting energy from the sun. We found out how the site’s biodiversity is a key part of their work and it was lovely to be able to do a bit of bird spotting with binoculars, hunt for plants with magnifying glasses and use bug pots to see which mini-beasts have made their home in the area.