Digital Technology
Digital Technology Strategy We have enhanced our computing curriculum with the purchase of a class set of laptops and iPads for school-wide use. This investment by the Full Governor Board (FGB) supports a high-quality computing education, fostering computational thinking, creativity and digital literacy. Pupils learn computer science principles, programming and how digital systems function. With links to mathematics, science and design; computing equips children to create digital content and become adept technology users, preparing them for the future workplace and active participation in a digital world.
In Avebury this week, the new iPads have been helping us to present our learning about the pros and cons of living in a megacity. We used the App called Freeform to produce mind-maps which we could share with each other by casting our screens to the classroom projector. When we have finished, we will be able to print our work out and include it in our Topic books as part of our overall project on megacities. The iPads are another tool that we can use to record and develop our learning utilising the latest technology.
The much improved cameras in the new iPads have also helped the children in photography club produce some really impressive results over the past few weeks.