Friday 13 September 2024 Pupil Leadership This week has seen the appointment of our new School Council. We would like to congratulate Caitlin, Charlie, Rufus (Silbury), Audrey and Aubin (Avebury), Flora and George (Sarum), Skye and Hector (White Horse), Jemima and Ruaridh (Stonehenge) and to thank all of the candidates who put themselves forward for election. Our school council have some super plans including social action projects, fund raising and events to further build on our Christian values and foster team spirit.
Friday 6 September 2024 Welcome everyone! It is wonderful to have the school filled once again with happy and excited children. A very warm welcome also to the new families who have joined us this academic year. We hope that you will quickly become part of our engaged and supportive school community. Our happy and successful school is built on strong home/school partnerships so that all children thrive and can achieve their very best.
Friday 6 September 2024 Friendship This beautiful handcrafted friendship gifted by our Y6 leavers and their families represents all the wonderful moments and special times shared together. Thank you from us all!
Friday 19 July 2024 A great year! As this term draws to a close, we reflect on a wonderful year together, full of joy, courage, aspiration and compassion throughout our flourishing community. The amazing themes and topics of our creative curriculum, the exciting visits and trips, interesting experts and visitors, parties and plays, sport, adventure, music, dance, creative arts, literature, clubs, concerts, competitions and social action projects. Our children are the heartbeat of our school. Curious, inquisitive, kind, brave and great fun – happy children make great learners! We are very proud of every child.
Friday 12 July 2024 Pliny's Lava Lounge Pop Up Restaurant Earlier in the week Silbury class opened their pop up restaurant for business. Children took on roles of chefs, waiters, front of house, kitchen and bar staff and musicians; preparing and serving a diverse, delicious menu and entertaining guests to a talented music performance. The event showcased culinary skills, seasonal floristry, dining room etiquette, musical talent and creativity, impressing the 60 guests. Superb team work Silbury class! Our thanks go to Mr Amor, Mrs Heath and Mrs Andrew who have so worked hard on this ambitious project and to the parents who attended and embraced the opportunity.
Friday 5 July 2024 County QUAD Kids Championships Congratulations to our athletes who represented Holy Trinity at Wiltshire and Swindon School Games. This fun team event with 75m sprint, 600m run, standing long jump and howler throw develops speed, endurance, power, team work and leadership skills. It is always wonderful when others comment on the sportsmanship of our children both on and off the sports track, with all our children gathered at the finish line to cheer on not only their team mates but also the athletes from other schools.
Friday 28 June 2024 Charity Day A remarkable Race for Life and Teddy Bear Picnic today! Together we ran to support the life improving work of Julia’s House and Cancer Research What a fantastic experience this was for our children! We all had such fun and the commitment, courage and compassion displayed by pupils, staff and families was inspiring. Generous support from our school community gives hope and help to these amazing charities. We are excited to announce we have raised £575.75. The event bought together children, parents and staff for an afternoon of fitness, fun and philanthropy. Your kind, generous sponsorship will make a meaningful impact in our community and beyond. Thank you.
Friday 28 June 2024 Summer music festival What a wonderful evening we had on Tuesday, when our remarkable young musicians treated us to a tremendous festival of music! There is such a wealth of talent here and it is a joy to see that talent unfolding. Every child was well prepared, performing beautifully to the edge of their ability, with great encouragement from a very appreciative audience of children, teachers, families and members of the community. We were also very proud of the children who were waiting their turns to perform – they sat and listened, joined in, supported their peers and made the event even more fun. We would like to thank our amazing music tutors, Mr & Mrs Broomfield, Mr Davies and Mr Gundry who work so hard, and above and beyond the call of duty, to ensure the very best outcomes for our children. And well done to our amazing children whose diligence, commitment and enthusiasm made this such a memorable evening.
Friday 21 June 2024 Salisbury Cathedral Leavers' Service Salisbury Cathedral Leavers’ Service Our Year 6 children had a wonderful time at the Cathedral on Tuesday which included workshop activities and tour with hundreds of other children from the Diocese. The interactive service included drama and singing. It was a lovely day of hope and joy as children transition to secondary schools. This is the first of our “Leaving” celebrations that the Year 6 children will have this term, as they prepare to move into secondary school and we prepare to say farewell to them.
Friday 7 June 2024 Change the World We start the summer term with the release of our song ‘Change the World’ to Spotify, Amazon Music and You Tube. In specially crafted workshop activities with two chart topping music producers, Silbury class wrote and rapped the lyrics taking inspiration from our school values for storytelling with spoken word and poem. The chorus anthem captures our whole school community singing with joy, aspiration, compassion and courage:
Friday 24 May 2024 Hip Hop /Rap Workshop Hip Hop/Rap Workshop Josh Record and Ad-Apt, both chart topping producers led an inspirational day of Hip Hop/ Rap, building on our culture and diversity work through world music. Studio workshops included song writing, learning music production skills, performing and then recording our very own song to release on Spotify! We are immensely proud of all our children - every child immersed in this wonderful creative experience, making music together. It takes a couple of weeks to release a song onto Spotify. For the moment, sharing assembly today captured the joy, energy and love of our chorus anthem, next term we will share our full Rap!
Friday 17 May 2024 Show jumping success Congratulations to the Holy Trinity riding team! Elizabeth and Amelia have represented our school in two NSEA show jumping competitions; starting their journey at Rectory Farm where the girls rode in chilly wet conditions to come home with two confident double clears. Last weekend the girls went to The Unicorn Trust in Stow-on-the-Wold. Both again girls rode well and on this occasion Elizabeth managed to get placed in both classes, coming home with a 4th and 1st place and a qualification for the NSEA championships at Hickstead. Well done!
Friday 10 May 2024 Devizes & District Foodbank collection Thank you for your generous donations for the recent Devizes and District Foodbank collection - ‘We just wanted to say a big 'thank you' for your kind donation of 110.1kg to Devizes and District Foodbank on behalf of Holy Trinity Primary School, Great Cheverell. Your support means that we are able to continue to provide vital food and supplies to people in crisis over the coming months.'
Friday 3 May 2024 Green School Eco Schools England incentivises communities to become as green as possible by rewarding green schools with eco status and we are on the journey to achieve this. Far reaching initiatives across our school include Forest School provision, sustainable travel plan, Bikeability, Walk Safe, rewilding and nature projects in science, geography and technology topics, source and provenance of ingredients for LATACA school meals and cooking activities, monitoring energy, waste and water, recycling clothes, upcycling school uniform and environmental consideration for sourced resources and services. Staff, governors, parents and children are championing climate action - making positive changes to our school to make the world a better place to live.
Friday 26 April 2024 Falconry Workshop As part of their topic work Stonehenge and White Horse classes had a very special visitor on Wednesday, when a falconer came to school with some of his birds of prey. An eagle owl, American kestrel, hawk and peregrine falcon perched on our school field and we were able to see them up close and in flight. As always, our children asked some super questions to find out more about these magnificent birds. Our resident red kite also made his presence known during the display. The PFA who generously gifted this wonderful experience by South Wilts Falconry to KS1 children to enrich their learning. Thank you.
Friday 19 April 2024 Designed and made for Holy Trinity Our wonderful, flourishing community have turned ideas, events and small change into reality; gifting a legacy of play, adventure and reflection. Amazing, generous support from the Parents and Friends Association, Friends of St Peter’s Church, Great Cheverell Soap Box Derby, The Bell Inn, the village shop, Platinum Jubilee Committee and King Charles III village celebrations. Designed by the school council, funded by the community and exquisitely made by local, talented craftsman Clint Edwards. We are thrilled with the bespoke beautiful oak storyteller’s chair with four benches for our reflection area and the creation of a wonderful new boat with mast, tiller and plenty of seating for learning, activity and play. Our little boat is our vision vessel - a guardian of our school values with all sailors playing their part and weathering the elements together.
Thursday 18 April 2024 2024-25 Term dates
Friday 22 March 2024 Charity projects It has been a colourful, bright day wearing our odd socks in support for World Down's Syndrome Day.
Friday 8 March 2024 World Book Day One of our main activities for World Book Day has been our Book Swap. Thank you so much to all our very generous families who took time to go through their book shelves and find a book (or several) to swap - without this we wouldn't have such a vibrant event. As a result, the children were able to take home a few books which has given so much pleasure. The lively chat around recommendations, discoveries and plans for post-swap swaps was really heartening to hear. Children took their books out onto the playground and had time to dip into them in class. Holy Trinity really is a reading school!
Friday 8 March 2024 Earth Energy Foundation This week Stonehenge and White Horse classes learnt about solar energy with a visit from Earth Energy Education. They run workshops in schools teaching the children about the importance of renewable energy as we look towards a greener future. The children learnt about climate change and investigated wind up batteries, solar powered batteries and toys. We had fun using lux meters to measure and compare how much solar energy we could collect from different areas in the school. The workshops were then followed up with a visit to a very muddy Lower End Solar Farm in Marston, where we had a tour of the site and learnt about the process of harvesting energy from the sun. We found out how the site’s biodiversity is a key part of their work and it was lovely to be able to do a bit of bird spotting with binoculars, hunt for plants with magnifying glasses and use bug pots to see which mini-beasts have made their home in the area.
Friday 1 March 2024 We'll meet again - A WWII experience at Steam Museum On Thursday, Avebury class travelled back in time to the Swindon Steam Museum. We dressed as WWII evacuees complete with gas mask boxes that we made ourselves using our maths skills. The day saw us experiencing a public air-raid shelter, being evacuated to the country, learning about women’s roles in the war and how the railways were crucial to the war effort. The children impressed the staff and volunteers at the museum with their enthusiasm and knowledge.
Friday 9 February 2024 Y6 Dance Festival Congratulations to all the children and schools represented at the Mid Wilts Dance Festival. Our Y6 dance squad gave an amazing performance with their fun choreography, fabulous styling and brilliant teamwork in a dance routine delivered with energy, confidence and joy to a huge audience on the Memorial Hall stage. It always makes us very proud when others also comment on the outstanding behaviour and attitude of our children, supporting each other and aspiring to do their best as a team. Our thanks to Mrs Goddard and Mrs Twentyman who coordinated this fantastic opportunity with super support from families. We are very grateful to the Outreach Partnership team at Dauntsey’s School who host these enrichment opportunities for our children.
Friday 2 February 2024 Visit to Devizes library On Wednesday Key Stage 1 had a lovely morning at Devizes library. The children learnt about the role of a librarian, the range of books available to borrow, where to find them in the library and the various clubs on offer free of charge (Lego club was a particular favourite). In addition the children listened to several stories read by the librarian, explored the children's section and read many of the vast amounts of books on offer. All of the children came back to school excited about reading and visiting the library again soon with their parents.
Friday 26 January 2024 Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue workshop Helping children understand the dangers and make safe and positive choices is an important part of their development. This week Stonehenge and White Horse classes met with the fire and rescue team, developing their knowledge about fire detection, escape and fire prevention in the home. The children enjoyed trying on fire safety equipment and talking through safety procedures, with the younger children learning phrases and rhymes to help them remember important information. As always, our children asked some very pertinent questions as they considered how to behave during an emergency situation in their own home.
Friday 19 January 2024 Shadows Y3/4 photography club have been capturing shadows from the winter sunshine; thinking carefully about the composition of their images. We think the results are amazing!
Friday 12 January 2024 Emergency Awareness Training Teaching children how to keep themselves and others safe is a fundamental aspect of personal, social and health education. As well as classroom based learning led by teachers; a range of other experts and organisations join us in school to enhance and support the instruction of personal development.
Friday 5 January 2024 Mayan Tiles Taking inspiration from their recent topic, Silbury children designed and created these beautiful Mayan tiles using their research into architecture, culture and customs. The styling and finishing techniques on the tiles are stunning!
Wednesday 20 December 2023 Christmas 2023 What wonderful performances our children gave this week! It is a joy to have the Christmas message presented with such fun and enjoyment and with remarkable confidence! We certainly do have the best children in the world here at Holy Trinity. Our thanks to all our teaching and support staff who have worked so hard to produce, direct and manage everything around the Christmas plays and to all our parents for their unfailing support of the school and their children's education.
Friday 15 December 2023 A Festive Community Walk Key stage 1 enjoyed their annual festive walk to The Old School Nursery to sing Christmas play songs and exchange Pen Pal Christmas cards today. The children from the nursery also sang to us and did exceptionally well. We then continued our walk up to the village pub where we placed handmade decorations on their tree. Our special thanks to Joy and Arthur Alexander from the village who kindly gave us decorations and came to listen to a few of our songs around the tree.
Friday 8 December 2023 Buzzing STEM Club It was a buzzing finale to STEM Club yesterday with a special visit from Mr Jameson who generously shared his bee keeping knowledge and resources. This linked into our ‘brilliant bugs’ topic and their super powers. Together we have explored possibilities, tested opportunities and opened our minds to innovation, curiosity, imagination and creativity. STEM club resumes in term 4 with the National Literacy We Wonder project.