
At Holy Trinity CE Primary Academy, we believe that a creative and engaging curriculum is at the heart of good learning for our children. Happy learners are good learners! So we work very hard to make sure that children enjoy their learning and are inspired through lots of field trips, interesting visitors and exciting, relevant projects in all subject areas. Our outstanding academic results speak for themselves – our school has, for many years, been ranked in the top few percent of the country’s primary schools. We regularly receive letters from the government congratulating us on being in the top few percent of the country’s schools in academic subjects. Children enjoy school and parents tell us that they are happy here with their learning including lots of art, design and  technology, PE, music, philosophy and theology, the humanities, life skills and understanding of personal well-being.

We are very committed to a coherent curriculum, in which new learning is built upon a strong foundation of previous knowledge. In order for children to be able to incorporate new learning, there must be a strong construct system already in place in their memories in which to place the new learning. As Mark Van Doren has said, “Any piece of knowledge I acquire today has a value at this moment exactly proportional to my skill to deal with it. Tomorrow, when I know more, I recall that piece of knowledge and I use it better.”

Our job is to ensure that knowledge is incrementally increased as children progress through our school, and that children can use this knowledge freely and skilfully to continue on their learning journey through life. We focus strongly on our core values of courage, compassion, aspiration and joy to help children gain the independence and resilience they need to be truly effectively learners.

Parents (and other members of the community) are always welcome to come and see our curriculum in action and are regularly invited to come in to learn more about their children’s work and the curriculum – both through our weekly “Sharing Assembly” on Friday afternoons at 2.15pm, and at other points in the year through formal invitation by individual classes. We encourage parents to come into school at any time to look at their child’s work and to enjoy the displays around the school.

Creative Curriculum