White Horse

In our class we have all the Year 2 children and some of the Year 1 children. Our teacher is Mrs Twentyman and our teaching assistants are Mrs Trusler and Mrs Durham. They make our learning fun, exciting and we enjoy school.

Salisbury Museum came to our school to show us amazing artefacts from the Ancient Romans! This is part of our Diversity Project where we learn more about the different cultures that make up our country. 

We are very good at making friends in this class and welcome new people very kindly. We are proud of behaving very well and caring for each other. We enjoy our French, art, design and sports lessons as well. We love finding out about the world in our science, geography and history lessons. We have performed our own safari animal plays to a very appreciative audience! Through our Africa topic we have learnt about The Great Green Wall, which is a project to plant a vast belt of trees across eleven countries, stretching from East to West Africa. The Great Green Wall will help to tackle the devastating effects of desertification caused by Climate Change. We made papier mache animal masks and in six groups wrote and prepared little plays. We baked African cakes and sold them at our performance, where thanks to everyone’s generosity, we raised £70! With the money we can now buy seven trees for The Great Green Wall – a little Holy Trinity mango grove in Africa!