All the Year 6 children are in our class, and some of the Year 5 children. Our teacher is Mr Amor and our teaching assistants are Mrs Durham and Miss Bourne.
Learning in Silbury is both challenging and rewarding, with a vibrant, creative, topic based curriculum where we are encouraged to take increasing responsibility for managing and extending our own learning through a variety of experiences and tasks. The curriculum is broad and balanced, with lots of opportunity for exciting and ‘hands on’ learning such as a heart dissection, designing and sewing our own hats, dance festival, garage band, cooking and finding out about the biology of flowers.
We are expected to set a really good example to the rest of the school since we are the oldest in school. We also have to carry out various responsibilities to help keep the school running efficiently. As trusted young leaders, we help to organise and manage School Council, Collective Worship, Reading, Sport and Digital Leadership for the whole school. Our social action projects give us opportunities to bring hope and help to other people and communities. We also run stalls in the fayres, look after younger children when we walk to church, help with organisation of sports day and other events – and so much more! We represent the school as part of the wider community in a variety of ways, including sporting and musical events.
In addition to this, we also focus on thorough preparation for the end of Key Stage SATs and transition to secondary school, which is a great adventure!