• Joy
  • Courage
  • Compassion
  • Aspiration

Welcome to Holy Trinity CE Primary Academy

I am delighted to welcome you to Holy Trinity CE Primary Academy

We champion an all-encompassing education rooted in Christian values, promoting scholarship, academic learning and dedicated to the development of character through outstanding pastoral care, sport, creativity, performance and adventure to prepare our children for their next stage of learning in a contemporary world. Our happy and successful school is built on strong home/school partnerships so that all children thrive and can achieve their best.

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joy · courage · compassion · aspiration

Some kind words & Testimonials

  • 'Children in the early stages of learning to read make rapid progress through a well implemented programme of phonics teaching from the start of Reception Year. Leaders are ambitious for every child to become a fluent reader as soon as possible. Pupils learn good reading habits. As a result, pupils become confident readers. ' Ofsted 2022
  • 'Everyone has a voice in your amazing school, feeling valued for who they are irrespective of their faith or belief or background.' Visitor 
  • 'Thank you for the joined up thinking between primary and secondary school. Life is tough at the moment, but we know that the care and attention to detail between settings is second to none.' Parent
  • 'This is what I want for my children; a joy of learning, courage to tackle new challenges, compassion, kindness, hope and generosity and aspiring not to have more but to be more. A very special school and we would like to be part of your unique community.' Visitor
  • 'Holy Trinity children have big ambitions to change the world for the better. From climate change forest of promises, British Legion poppies, food bank donations, Race for Life and British Red Cross sunflowers. Indeed, the sunflower project offers a unique insight into the courage and compassion of the teachers to tackle some complex issues with humility and sensitively.' External partner
  • 'Making sense of what is going on in the world at the moment is a challenge even for adults but your school staff have found a unique way to navigate the crisis with thought, care and sensitivity - thank you!' Parent
  • 'Just wanted to follow up on this weeks Bikeability course delivery. Firstly, may I congratulate all of the pupils taking part on their behaviour, attitude & engagement, despite the weather, it was one of the best courses we have run so far this year & the children were wonderful ambassadors of the school.' Local Authority Bikeability Scheme
  • 'Leaders strive for excellence. This vision is shared and articulated by all.' Ofsted 2022
  • 'We were thrilled that we were both able to come to sharing assembly and see the brilliant learning from each class.  From the youngest to the oldest children, they speak with pride in their learning. It is wonderful to be part of such a great school community.' Family 
  • 'Holy Trinity children can articulate with confidence how do we live a good life, how can we look after the world through a ‘world view’ and global school perspective. 'Our charter, our school' has been led by children with the impact seen as an enhancement of their own moral and social beliefs.' Governor

  • 'The children are your greatest advocates of your school, they feel safe and express how proud they are of their school. They are happy and confident to take risks with their learning in the safe and supportive learning environment.' Visitor

  •  ‘I appreciate the privilege of talking to such a wonderfully confident, open & articulate group of pupils. Assemblies have great impact, are highly valued with deep, rich opportunities to reflect. The pupils’ awareness of flourishing & how they value celebrating each other was a real highlight, identifying a deep sense of community & care for each other – a culture of which you should be very proud.' SIAMS visitor

  •  ‘Pupils behaviour in and out of lessons is exemplary. Pupils live the school values of 'joy, courage, aspiration and compassion' through everything they do.' Ofsted 2022